Vacation SafeGuard

100% Loyalty Cash Back Program

Introducing the world’s first, and only loyalty cash back program protected by insurance.
– an INTUITION strategic partner – 

Vacation SafeGuard - INTUITION Strategic Partner

What Is Vacation SafeGuard?
It is a first-of-its-kind program that enables resort developers and vacation club operators the ability to offer a 100% cash back guarantee after a set period of time for all new sales and existing member upgrades. The program dramatically reduces fear of loss for first-time purchasers, provides a new reason to upgrade, significantly improves the overall value proposition of the club membership and creates a more loyal customer, resulting in more annual fees collected per average member. Give yourself a competitive advantage and drive more sales with the industry’s most effective sales closing tool.

How Does It Work?
In its most simple form before any of the available customizations, a portion of the sales price is placed in a fund that is held in trust and grows over time. The pool of funds is protected by insurance and a financial guaranty to unequivocally ensure all future payouts. Then after the specified term, the member receives 100% of the initial purchase price back with no complicated redemption rules, clauses or fees. Provide a true loyalty cash back program that your members will love and that really delivers – without any cost or obligation to the resort developer, vacation club or HOA.


  • Zero Cost To The Resort Developer / Club.
  • The Ultimate Closing Tool for Sales Teams.
  • Seamlessly Embedded as a Loyalty Benefit.
  • 100% Cash Back Guaranteed by Insurance.
  • Financial Guaranty for Added Protection.
  • Transparent Access to View Fund Growth.
  • Increase Sales & Annual Fee Revenue.
  • Early Redemption / Upgrade Options.
  • Extends Average Lifetime of Membership.
  • Protects Against Resale Market Devaluation.
  • Incredible Value Added Benefits Available.
  • Training & Sales Collateral Provided.
  • Request More Information

Vacation SafeGuard Limited is an official strategic partner of INTUITION, who also serves as Master Agent for sales and marketing of the program. The Loyalty Cash Back Program also integrates with other INTUITION services such as our Evaluate Sales Performance (ESP) Survey to provide unique insights into how to improve sales center performance.

Learn more about what INTUITION can do to improve Sales Center Performance.