Data Analytics – You Can’t Fix What You Don’t Know

Advanced Analytics / Business Intelligence
Highly Customizable & Infinitely Scaleable
The beauty of INTUITION’s Core Analytics / Business Intelligence platform is that it is custom-built for each client, meaning it can start as a simplistic as you like and then grow with you, based on your needs, at your pace, into an incredibly powerful tool that centralizes all your data, providing one true and accurate resource for your departments to share and benefit from.
In addition to our core services such as Post Stay Surveys, TripAdvisor Joint Review Collection, On-Site Feedback and more, we can also import and usually automate any other data source, from website statistics and social media posts, to transactional data and Marketing Automation results.
Users can be provided with restricted access on a per user level, or group level, so that not only do they only see what is relevant to themselves, but also restricts their access and export capabilities to any sensitive data.
Scheduled Reports offer the opportunity to have the INTUITION team build customized automated reports, including tabulated calculations, that you would otherwise regularly create manually. These reports save time and ensure accuracy and can be emailed on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to existing users or any other designated personnel.
For a deeper dive into your analytics, we provide a series of standard dashboards and can create custom dashboards to meet your specific needs. These dashboards include advanced filters based on the data provided or collected, and allow you to drill down and segment data to identify specific areas for improvement. Our system can also provide cross data-set analytics, which means relationships can be visualized between multiple data sources if they have a common field such as Email Address or CustomerID.