Companies struggle with articulation barriers online with the explosive growth of internet programs, mobile apps, and an increasing number of platforms to consume content from – and it’s all blurring the lines between effective marketing and advertising.

In order to meet the needs of today’s consumer, it’s vital to measure how aware consumers are of a brand and how a company’s reputation is perceived by the public. With click-thru rates at an all time high, dated platforms lacking persuasive influence, and a demand for authentic content, brand messaging and reputation require constant modification.

Understanding the Effects of Your Messaging
Data helps businesses understand what their customers truly want, and expect, out of a product or service. Instead of focusing on the demographic a company believes is their top group, digging deeper into data can not only search for potential customers but contrast your relationship with your company’s competition.

This expands the audience reach and help analyze followers for details and stats, and tracking their activity and learn who they are.

Understanding the effects of the message that customers are receiving allows you to match your activities online to understand the deeper truth behind gains and losses.

Matching Your Message to Your Audience
In 1992 Disney decided that they would create a park in Paris with the signature Disney style. Disney World in Florida has become the yardstick by which theme parks throughout the world are judged, so designing a park in Paris was a no-brainer.

Disney failed to consider one thing with the Paris park – it didn’t fit the local culture. Tickets were marked up by more than 30% compared to America’s Disney and local Europeans could actually save money by traveling to Florida because of the exchange rates.

In 1994, Disney listened to its audience. The initial planned the park didn’t connect with European residents and tourists weren’t interested in paying more for the same experience they could have at home.

That was when Disney Paris converted the theme to follow a time period their audience associate with the location. Disney realized that their audience was looking for a message authentic to the area, which is why they themed the park after the Romantic era, a movement that originated in Europe.